Q1) Thermodynamic principles are applicable to:
A Only to the bulk of matter. 
B. only to an individual atom or molecule.
C. only to the bulk of matter and not to individual atom or molecule.
D. none of these.
Q2) A system which can exchange only energy but not matter with the surrounding is known as:
A closed system.          B. open system. 
C. isolated system.
       D. none of these.
Q3) Intensive property is one whose:
A value depends upon the quantity of matter present in the system. 
B. value depends upon the quality of matter present in the system.
C. value does not depend upon the quantity of matter present in the system.
D. value does not depend upon the quality of matter present in the system.
.Q4) Among the following which one is a dependent variable.
A Pressure.                   B. Temperature. 
C. Both a and b
             D. Volume.
Q5) State function is a property which depends upon:
A Initial state of system. 
B. Final state of system.
C. Path followed by stem.
D. Only initial and final states of system and not upon the path followed.
Q6) Which is the correct mathematical equation?
A ΔE = ΔH  + ΔPV. 
ΔPV = ΔE + HΔ. 
Δ H =Δ E + ΔPV. 
D. All of the above.
Q7) If the heat released in compression of gas remain inside the system then it causes:
A decrease in temperature of the system. 
B. An increase in temperature of the system.
C. none of the above.
D. both a and b.
Q8) Which among the following is not an example of irreversible process?
A Mixing of two gases. 
B. Rusting of iron in moist air.
C. Expansion of gas in vacuum.
D. None of these.
Q9) Which statement is not correct regarding reversible process?
A It is imaginary process. 
B. It takes infinite time.
C. Work obtained is maximum.
D. It is spontaneous.
Q10) Why is the heat evolved in neutralization of HF is highest?
A Due to low hydration energy of F- ion. 
B. Due to high hydration energy of F- ion.
C. HF is a strong acid.
D. None of these.
   Q11) Which of the statement is correct for strong acids and strong bases?
A Magnitude of heat of hydration is high. 
B. Magnitude of heat of ionisation is low.
C. Almost all mole get ionised.
D. All of these.
Q12) Which is a type of kinetic energy?
A Intermolecular energy. 
B. Nuclear binding energy.
C. Intramolecular energy.
D. None of these.
Q13) Predict the sign of entropy for the reaction
2H2S+3O2           ----à      2H2O+2SO2
A Negative         B. Posittive 
C. Zero             D. Cant be predict
.Q14) Which phenomenon is observed when the door of refrigerator is kept open and as a result the temperature of air in the room increases?
A Isothermal process.    B. Adiabatic process. 
C. Both a and b.
            D. Reversible process.
Q15) A gas enclosed in a cylinder of cross–sectional area 350 cm2 expands against constant pressure of 1.5 atm. The piston moves 5cm up the work done in lit–atm is:
A – 2625.                      B. – 2.625 
C. – 3.5.
                        D. – 3500.
Q16) The first law of thermodynamics is also known as:
A Law of conservation of mass and energy. 
B. Law of conservation of mass.
C. Law of mass action.
D. Law of conservation of energy.
Q17) Hess’s law of constant heat summation states that:
A ΔH is a state function. 
B. ΔH is a path function.
C. Change in enthalpy remains the same depending upon the path used.
D. None of these.
Q18) According to Kirchoff’s equation factor what affects the heat of reaction is:
A Concentration.                       B. Volume. 
C. Pressure.
                              D. Temperature.
Q19) Enthalpy change at constant volume is expressed as:
A ΔH = ΔE + ΔnRT.                   B. ΔH = ΔE – PΔV. 
C. ΔH = ΔE.
                              D. ΔE = ΔH + PΔV.
Q20) Which of the following is correct about Isothermal process?
A W = ΔE.                    B. ΔH  0. 
 0.                  D. q = -W.
Q21) The work done in joule for the reversible expansion of 1 mole of an ideal gas from a volume of 10 lit to 20 lit at 25°C is:
A -298 x 2.303 x 8.31 x log2. 
B. -2.303 x 298 x 0.082 log 0.5.
C. -2.303 x 298 x 82 log 2.
D. -2.303 x 298 x 2 log2.
Q22) The enthalpy of formation of ammonia is -46.0 kJ mol-1. The enthalpy for the reaction
2 N2 + 6 H2 ------------> 4 NH3 is equal to:
A -184.0 kJ.                  B. 184.0 kJ. 
C. -92.0 kJ.
                   D. 92.0 kJ.
Q23) The heat for neutralization of HCL with NaOH is – 47.21 kJ per gm equi. What will be the heat evolved during neutralization of CH3COOH with NaOH.
A = 47.21 kJ.                B. < 47.21 kJ. 
C. > 47.21 kJ.
               D. Equal to the heat of reaction.
Q24) Equal volumes of molar hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid are neutralized by dil. NaOH solution and a kJ and b kJ of heat are liberated respectively which among the following is true?
A a = b.                        B. a = ½ b. 
C. b = 3/2 a.
                  D. a = 2 b.: a = ½ b.
 Q25) The work done in a chemical reaction is – 250J if the system absorbs 500J of heat, then what will be the change in internal energy?
A -250J.                        B. -750J. 
C. +750J.
                      D. +250J.
Q26) Heat of formation of CH4 is – 74.89 kJ. Heat of combustion of C and CH4 are -393.71 and – 890.36 kJ respectively. What is the heat of combustion of H2?
A -285.77 kJ.                 B. +285.77 kJ. 
C. +1955.57 kJ.
             D. -1955.57 kJ.
Q27) In the combustion of 1 mole of CO – 400 kJ of heat is liberated. The heat of combustion of 7g of CO is:
A -100 kJ.                     B. 100 kJ. 
C. – 200 kJ.
                  D. 200 kJ.
Q28) Maximum Entropy is obtained in:
A Irreversible process. 
B. Adiabatic process.
C. Irreversible isothermal process.
D. Reversible isothermal process.
 Q29) For a given reaction
 2CO + O2 --------> 2 CO2 
ΔH is -85600 cals at 300K, then ΔE will be. ( if R = 2 cal).
A +84400 cals.              B. -84400 cals. 
C. 85000 cals.
               D. -85000 cals.
Q30) Which one of the following has the highest heat of neutralisation?
A Strong acid + strong base. 
B. Weak acid + weak base.
C. Strong acid + weak base.
D. Weak acid + strong base.
Q31) In the following thermochemical equation at 273 K value of ?n is 2 C6H6 + 15O2 --------> 12 CO2 + 6H2O.
A +3.                            B. – 1.5. 
C. +1.5.
                        D. – 3.
Q32) The enthalpy of formation of compounds A, B, C and D are – 84.00, +24.00, +6.00 and – 16.00 kcal per mole respectively. The correct order of increasing stability of the compound is:
A A<B<C<D                  B. D<C<A<B 
C. B<C<D<A
                 D. C<D<B<A
Q33) Maximum work done by the system is possible during
A Isothermal irreversible expension
B. Isothermal reversible expension
C. ) Isothermal irreversible compression.
D. under vaccum condition
Q34) 11 kg of a gas expands isothermally and reversibly. The amount of work done is minimum if the gas is:
A NO2.                          B. CH4.
C. Cl2.                           D. O2 
Q35) The difference between heats of reaction at constant pressure and at constant volume for the reaction at 27°C in kJ is
2 C6H6 + 15O2 --------à12 CO2 + 6H2O.
A 3.72.                          B. -3.72. 
C. +7.48.
                       D. – 7.48
Q36) Relation between the following equation is 

C (diamonD. + 2H2 ------------> CH4 ; ΔH1
(g) + 4H -------------> CH; ΔH
A ΔH1 > ΔH2      B. ΔH1 < ΔH2
C. ΔH1 = ΔH2     D. ΔH1 = ½ x ΔH2
Q37) ΔH will be more than ΔE in:
A 2 NO2  -------------> N2O4
B. 4NO2 + O2  -------->  2 N2O5
C. H2 + I ------------> 2 HI
D. C + ½ O -------------> CO.
Q38) The enthalpy of diamond is not zero because:
A it is more stable than graphite. 
B. it is less stable than graphite.
C. it is equally stable to graphite.
D. all of these.
Q39) The values for enthalpy of combustion is H2, CH4, C2Hand graphite are -285.8, -890, -1560 and 393.5 kJ respectively. The standard enthalpy of formation ofC3His -103.8 kJ/ mol. The enthalpy of reaction is C3H+ H2 -  ---------------> C2H+ CH4.
A -55.7 kJ / mol.            B. -557 kJ / mol. 
C. – 45.7 kJ / mol.
         D. 55.7 kJ / mol.
Q40) Exothermic change is observed in:
A evaporation of liquid. 
B. fusion of solid.
C. condensation of liquid.
D. none of these.
Q41) A ------------------> B, ΔH = -1.84 kJ, this means:
A B cannot be easily formed from A. 
B. B can be easily converted to A.
C. A is stable than B.
D. B is stable than A.
 Q42) If 1 gm equivalent each of strong acid and strong base react in dil. solution then:
A they neutralize incompletely. 
B. they neutralize completely.
C. neutralize to evolve minimum heat.
D. both a and c.
Q43) What happens if an exothermic reaction is reversed?
A There is no change at all. 
B. It becomes an endothermic reaction.
C. It attains equilibrium.
D. None of these.
Q44) The heat of formation of COis – 394.0 kJ. What will be the heat of combustion of carbon?
A -46.0 kJ                     B. -26.0 kJ 
C. -394.0 kJ
                  D. 394.0 kJ

Q45) Dil.H2SOsolution is used for neutralization of equal volumes of molar KOH and NaOH. X kcal and Y kcals of heat are liberated respectively. Which of the following is true?
A x = y                                     B. x = ½ y 
C. x = 0.5 y
                   D. none.
Q46) ……….. helps in cooling a gas when it is subjected to adiabatic expansion.
A Energy used in doing work. 
B. Loss of kinetic energy
C. Fall in temperature.
D. Decrease in velocity
Q47) Decrease in temperature of the system is observed in:
A isothermal expansion. 
B. adiabatic expansion.
C. isothermal compression.
D. adiabatic compression.
Q48) Neon molecule possesses:
A vibrational as well as translational energy 
B. translational energy only.
C. potential as well as translational energy.
D. only potential energy.
 Q49) The relation ΔH = ΔE + PΔV is valid for a closed system at:
A Constant temperature. 
B. Constant pressure.
C. Constant temperature and pressure.
D. Constant temperature, pressure and composition.
Q50) Which among the following is a correct set of intensive variables?
A Area, dielectric constant, temperature. 
B. Specific gravity, heat capacity, pressure.
C. Volume, energy, dipole moment.
D. Refractive index, viscosity, density.
Q51) Among the following which is not classified as acid:
A Plant ash.                  B. Tamarind. 
C. Citrus fruits.
              D. All of these.
Q52) The dissociation and ionization are partically same as both results in giving …………… of the substance. 
A Free cations only.      B. Free anions only. 
C. Both free cations and anions.
D. None of the above.
Q53) Base is a substance whose solution in water:
A Has bitter taste. 
B. Conducts electricity.
C. Feels soapy to touch.
D. All of the above.
Q54) Which statement is not correct for acids?
A It produces H+ ions in aqueous medium. 
B. It can donate a proton to another substance.
C. It can accept a proton from another substance.
D. All of the above.
Q55) Among the following which property is shown by a strong electrolyte?
A Low degree of ionization. 
B. High value of equilibrium constant.
C. Obeys Ostwald’s dilution law.
D. Shows low conductivity
Q56) Degree of dissociation is nearly equal to 1 for:
A Weak acids and weak bases. 
B. Strong acids and weak bases.
C. Weak acids and strong bases.
D. Strong acids and strong bases.
Q57) The degree of dissociation does not depend upon:
A Pressure.                   B. Temperature. 
C. Nature of solute.
       D. Nature of solvent
Q58) According to the Ostwald’s dilution formula, the degree of dissociation of a weak electrolyte is:
A Directly proportional to square root of dilution of its solution. 
B. Inversely proportional to square root of concentration of its solution.
C. None of these.
D. Both a and b.
Q59) Why pure water is very weak electrolyte?
A It ionizes to a large extent. 
B. It ionizes to very small extent.
C. It does not ionizes at all.
D. It ionizes completely.
Q60) Water molecule is a highly polar solvent due to:
A Presence of two lone pair of electrons. 
B. Presence of three lone pair of electrons.
C. Absence of lone pair of electrons.
D. None of these.
Q61) When acid is added to pure water at 298 K then:
ABoth (H+) and (OH) ions decreases. 
B. Both (H+) and (OH) ions increases. 
C. (H+) increases and (OH-) decreases. 
D. (H+) decreases and (OH-) increases.
 Q62) Buffer of a single salt is prepared by dissolving? 
A Weak acid + weak base in water. 
B. Strong acid + strong base in water. 
C. Weak acid + strong base in water. 
D. Strong acid + weak base in water.
Q63) Which among the following is not a property of buffer solution?
A It has a definite PH. 
B. PH remains constant on addition of small amount of acid or base. 
C. PH remains constant on keeping for a long time. 
D. It does not has a definite PH.
Q64) Which is not an example of sparingly soluble salt?
A AgCl.                         B. BaSO4. 
C. CH3COOAg.              D. None of these.
Q65) The concentration of a sparingly soluble salt in its saturated solution at a given temperature is known as:
A Solubility product.      B. Solubility. 
C. Hydrolysis.               D. Degree of hydrolysis.
Q66) If ionic product < solubility product then the solution is:
A unsaturated.               B. just saturated. 
C. super saturated.        D. none of these.
Q67) Arrange the following in increasing order of acidic strength?
A HCl < HBr < HI < HF 
B. HF < Hcl < HBr < HI 
C. HI < HCl < HBr < HF 
D. HF < HCl < HI < HBr.
Q68) Lewis acid is one that:
A Accepts an electron pair. 
B. Donates a proton. 
C. Accepts a proton. 
D. Donates an electron pair.
Q69) In the following reaction, which two pairs are Bronsted bases HC2O4- + PO43- ----à HPO42- + C2O42-.
A HC2O42- and HPO42-.
B. HPO42- and C2O42-
C. PO43- and C2O42-
D. HC2O42- and PO43-
Q70) HCO3- acts as:
A Acid. 
B. Base. 
C. Both acid and base. 
D. None of these.
 Q71) Which of the following act as Bronsted acid?
A HSO3-                        B. HCO3-
C. Both a and b             D. None.
Q72) An acid is one that donates a proton. This theory was given by: 
A Lewis             B. Lowery – Bronsted 
C. Arrhenius
      D. Ostwald.
Q73) Zn (OH) is a:
A strong base 
B. strong acid
C. weak acid
D. weak base 
Q74) Aprotic solvent is one which:
A donates a proton. 
B. accepts a proton.
C. donates a proton and accepts a proton.
D. neither donates a proton nor accepts a proton.
Q75) If the degree of dissociation is less than 1 then it is a:
A weak electrolyte.        B. strong electrolyte. 
C. strong base.
                         D. none of these.
Q76) At 70°C pure water has (H30+) = 10-8 mol / lit, the value of Kat 90°C is:
A 10-6                            B. 10-12
C. 10-14                          D. 10-16.
Q77) NH4Cl and aq.NHwill precipitate.
A Cu2+                                                      B. Fe3+
 C. Na+                          D. K+ 
Q78) 10-4 M HCl solution at 298 K is diluted 1000 times. The pH of the solution will:
A Lie between 8 and 9. 
B. Remain unchanged.
C. Lie between 6 and 7.
D. Equal to 7.
Q79) The (H3O+) ion concentration of a solution is
7.2 x 10-9 mol / lit. its pH would be:
A 8.14                           B. 6.81 
C. 7.41
                          D. 5.79
Q80) The conjugate base of methyl alcohol is:
A hydroxyl ion.              B. methyl radical. 
C. hydronium ion.
          D. methoxide ion.
Q81) What will be the PH of solution obtained by mixing 100ml of 0.8M HCl and 100ml of 0.6M NaOH.
A 3 
B. 2.5
C. 2
D. 1
Q82) Which among the following contains same (H+) ions? 
A Equimolar solutions. 
B. Equinormal solution.
C. Both a and b
D. None of these.
Q83) The ionisation of a weak electrolyte increases when the concentration of the solution is decreased. This relation is given by:
A Ostwald’s law. 
B. Arrhenius equation.
C. Nernst’s equation.
D. Law of mass action
Q84) Acetic acid is a weaker acid than sulphuric acid because:
A sulphuric acid is strongly ionised. 
B. it has low molecular weight.
C. sulphuric acid is weakly ionised.
D. it does not dissociates completely.
 Q85) Aqueous solution of potassium chlorate is:
A amphoteric 
B. neutral
C. alkaline.
D. acidic.
Q86) The degree of hydrolysis of 0.1M solution of ammonium acetate is 8.48 x 10-5. The dissociation constant of the weak base is:
A 1.39 x 10-5                  B. 1.39 x 10-4
C. 1.45 x 10-10                D. 1.65 x 10-5
Q87) The degree of hydrolysis of 0.015M solution of ammonium nitrate is 1.924 x 10-4. The hydrolysis constant is:
A 5.55 x 10-5                  B. 2.39 x 10-5 
C. 5.55 x 10-10
                D. 2.39 x 10-10
Q88) What is the dissociation constant of HCN, if the dissociation constant of NH4OH is 1.75 x 10-5 and the hydrolysis constant of NH4CN is 7.93 x 10-1?
A 7.2 x 10-5                   B. 6.6 x 10-10
C. 7.2 x 10-10                 D. None of these
Q89) Precipitation of salt occurs if:
A Ionic product = solubility product 
B. Ionic product > solubility product
C. Ionic product < solubility product
D. None of these.
Q90) Addition of HCl will suppress the ionisation of:
A Benzoic acid              B. Carbonic acid 
C. Nitric acid
                 D. Both a and b
Q91) Basicity of an acid is defined as number of replicable: 
A OH groups in its molecule. 
B. H atom in its molecule. 
C. non-metal cations in its molecule. 
D. non-metal anions in its molecule
Q92) NH3 and H20 can act as:    
A Lewis acid and Bronsted base. 
B. Lewis base and Bronsted acid 
C. Lewis and Bronsted base. 
D. Lewis and Bronsted acid.
Q93) What will be the pH of a buffer solution formed by dissolving equal number of moles of HOCl (ka = 4.3 x 10-8) and NaOH?
A 7.0                                        B. 3.2 
C. 7.3                                       D. 4.5
Q94) A buffer solution is one that contains:
A a weak acid and its conjugate base. 
B. strong base and its conjugate acid 
C. strong acid and its conjugate base. 
D. none of these
Q95) When 40ml of N / 40 KOH are added to 30ml of N / 30 then the resulting solution will be:
A Acidic                        B. Neutral 
C. Basic                        D. None of these
Q96)On heating the water.Ph value will be
A.Increase                     B.Decrease
C.No change                 D.First increase then decrease
Q97) Aqueous solution of Na2CO3 is alkaline because:
A Acidic                        B. Neutral 
C. Basic                        D. None of these
Q98) Addition of a salt of weak acid and strong base to water would cause
A increase in pH.           B. pH remains same. 
C. decrease in pH.         D. none of these
Q99) The dissociation constant of acetic acid is
1.8 x 10-5. . 0.5M sodium acetate and 5M acetic acid solutionsare mixed. What will be the pH of the mixture (log1.8 = 0.20)
A 3.6                            B. 3.8 
C. 5.9                           D. 5.5
Q100) Among the following which is a strong electrolyte and thus the best conductor of electricity?
A Sulphuric acid                        B. Acetic acid 
C. Boric acid                             D. Phosphoric acids


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