Q1.Why pcl5 is ionic in solid state.? 2
Q2.Why H20 is liquid and H2S is gas. 2
Q3.Write disproportation reaction of phosphorous. 2
Q4.Why KMnO4 is colour yet it doesn’t have electron in d orbital.? 2
Q5.Write only chemical reaction for the preperation of potasium permangnate and potasiun dichromate.? 2
Q6.Write the product in a rection when XeF6 react with 2H2O. 2
Q7.What is role of NaCN in froath flatation process.? 2
Q8.What is leaching.Give example reaction of it with extraction of silver.? 2
Q9.What is van arkel process.? 2
Q10.Defference between calcination and roasting.? 2
Q11.What is electrophoresis,&coagulation.? 2
Q12.What is instability constant.How it is related to stepwise and overall stabilty costant.? 2
Q13.Why [ Fe(CN)6]4+ is inner octahedral but Fe[cl6]4+ is outer octahedral.? 2
Q14.Write IUPAC name of the following. 1
Q15.What is CFSE.How its magnitude change with strength of ligands.? 2
Q16.Drow the splitting diagrame of [Fe(cl)6]4+.? 2
Q17.What is coordinate isomerism give an example.? 2
Q18.Drow the structure of H2S2O8, H3PO4, XeOF4.? 3
Q19.Why Icl3 is more reactive then I2. 2
Q20.SF6 is nknown but Scl6 is not known.? 2
Q21.Write the impotant properties of white phosphorous.? 2
Q22.What is the catalyst used for the preperation of sulphuric acid from contact process. And give all reaction.? 2
Q23.Why all bond in Pcl5 is not equal.? 2
Q24.Why only Xenon make compound with O na F from innert gases but other doesn’t.? 2
Q25.What is difference between covalency and oxidation state taking example of N in N2O5.? 2
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