1.     Name the defect that shown by crystal of silver bromide. ?  1

2.     The decomposition reaction of ammonia gas on platinum surface has a rate 
Constant   k = 2.5 x 10–4 mol L–1 S–1.What is the order of the reaction?  1

3.     Give the IUPAC name of the following compound     
           C6H5NHCH3                                                                                      1

4.     How many octahedral voids are there in l mole of a compound having cubic close packed structure?                                                                                1

5.     How catalysts increase the rate of reaction?                                                    1             

6.     In each of the following pairs of organic compounds, identify the compound
Which will undergo SN1 reaction faster?                                                 2
       (a) 2-Isopropyl hexane
       (b) 2- Methyl butane

          A compound ‘X’ (C2H4O) on oxidation gives ‘Y’ (C2H4O2). ‘X’ undergoes           halloform reaction. On treatment with HCN ‘X’ forms a product ‘Z’ which       on hydrolysis gives 2- hydroxy    propanoic acid?
          (i) Write down structures of ‘X’ and ‘Y’.
          (ii) Write down the equations for the reactions involved

7.     Write chemical reaction for the formation of H2SO 4 by contact process?    2  

       8. Benzoic acid completely dimerises in benzene. What will be the     vapour pressure of a solution containing 61g of benzoic acid per 500g          benzene when the vapour pressure of pure benzene at the temperature of   experiment is 66.6 torr? What would have been the vapour pressure in the            absence of   dimerisation?                                                                 2
      9. An element E crystallizes in body centred cubic structure. If the edge length                                                      of the cell is 1.469 x 10–10 m and the density is 19.3 g cm-3, calculate the     
           Atomic mass of this element. Also calculate the radius of an atom of this          element.  ?         
   10) Write the Nernst equation and calculate EMF. of the following cell at 298 K.

Mg (s) Mg2+(0.001M) ll Cu2+(0.001M)l Cu(s)
Given: E0mg2+/mg=-2.37V, E0cu2+/cu =+0.34 V.                                                 2

   11 (a) Adsorption of a gas on the surface of solid is generally accompanied                       by a decrease in entropy. Still it is a spontaneous process. Explain.

          (b) What is Hardy scheulze rule?     
          (c)What do you mean by electrophoresis?                              3

                   (a) Which aqueous solution has higher concentration -1 molar or 1 molal           solution of the same solute? Give reason.                                        

          (b) 0.5g KCl was dissolved in 100g water and the solution originally at    200C, froze at – 0.240C. Calculate the percentage ionization of salt. Kf per 1000g of water = 1.86K.                                                                            3

13.     (a) What is the covalence of nitrogen in N2O5?

(b)When conc. H2SO4 was added into an unknown salt present in a test tube,
a brown  gas (A) was evolved. This gas intensified when copper turnings were also added      into this test-tube. On cooling, the gas (A) changed into a colourless gas (B).What is A and B

          (a) Identify the gases A and B.
          (b) Write the equations for the reactions involved.

14. (a) which is a stronger acid HclO3  or  HclO4? Explain?                     3
       (b)BrF3 is more reactive then I2?
       (c)Why does O3 act as powerful oxidizing agent?

15. Define with example
(a) Carbylamines reaction.
          (b) Cannizaro reaction.                                                                  3
          (c)Rosenmund reduction reaction

16. (a) Drow the structure of    (i) HclO3         (ii)XeF4

      (b)  Complete the reaction
(i)    4H3PO3      ---------à                                                                                     (ii) Zn(s)    + dil HNO3 ------à                                                       3

17. How will you distinguish between?
          (a) CH3 NH2 and (CH3) 3 N                                                                                                              
          (b)Phenol and benzyl alcohol.
          (c) Ethanoic acid and methanoic acid                                                         3

18.     (a) Give mechanism of preparation of ethoxy ethane from ethanol.   ?       
(b)Show by mechanism for the preparation of alkenes from ethyl chloride
     in presence of base?                                                                              
 (c) Why Garbriel pthalamide give only aliphatic amine?                           3

19.     (a) A current of 1.50 amps was passed through an electrolytic cell           containing           AgNO3 solution with inert electrodes. The weight of Ag        deposited was 1.50g. How long did the current flow?
           (b) What is molar conductivity?
            (c) Write two advantage of fuel cell?                                              3                                                                                                                                                                                              
20.     a) Define activation energy.
           b) What is collision frequency?
          c) Write unit for the 3/5 order of reaction.                                                    3

21.     (a) Name the method used for refining of
              (i) Nickel
              (ii) Zirconium
          (b) The extraction of Au by leaching with NaCN involves both oxidation                               and Reduction. Justify giving equations.                                                                                                                                                                      3

22.      An Unknown Aldehyde ‘A’ on reacting with alkali gives a -hydroxy –    aldehyde, which losses water to form an unsaturated aldehyde, 2- butenal.     Another aldehyde ‘B’ undergoes dissproportaionation reaction in the   presence of conc. alkali to form products C and D. C is an aryl alcohol with       the formula           C7H8O.
          (i) Identify A and B.
          (ii) Write the sequence of reactions involved.
          (iii) Name the product, when ‘B’ reacts with Zinc amalgam and hydrochloric          acid.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 3                                
23.     Kalpna was suffering from anemia. she visited nearby hospital. Doctor advised her iron contain diet and prescribed some vitamins tablet. But Mrs. Kalpna has a 6 month baby, she doesn’t tell anything to the doctor about child. Give the answer of the following question after reading this passage---

          (a)Which vitamins doctor gives her?
          (b)Why she was suffering from anemia?
          (c)Is it was good to hide to doctor about the child of 6 month?
          (d)Which salt tablet she should take continue with anemia tablet after
         Consult to doctor?                                                                             4

24.     (a) Write IUPAC name of the complex

                   K4[Fe (CN)6(H2O)3]

          (b) Give the electronic splitting diagram of [Ti (H2O)6]3+   in an octahedral                        crystal field.
          (b) Why is [Nicl4]2- complex coloured? But [Ni (CO)4 ] is colourless?            5


     (a)Write IUPAC name of the complex

                   Na4[Cu (CO)6(en)3]
           (b)What do you mean by chelation?
           (c) What do you mean by ionization isomerism? Give example?
           (d)On the basis of crystal field theory, write the electronic configuration of                       d4 ion, if  ^0 <P.

25.     (a) What is the role of Benzyl peroxide in polymerization of ethene?
          (b) What are LDPE and HDPE? How are they prepared?                           
          (c) Classify synthetic detergents giving an example in each case.
          (d) What are antihistamines? Give two examples. Explain how they act on                      the human body.   
           (e)-Except for vitamin B12, all other vitamins of group B should be supplied                        regularly in diet. Why                                                              5

(a)  What are tranquilizers? Give one example?
(b) Write monomers structure of Buna-N?
(c)  What is harmful effect of Aspirin?
(d) Write the name of disease caused by vitamins D?
(e)  What are biodegradable polymers? Give example?

26.     (i) What do you mean by glycoside linkage?
          (ii) What is zwiter ion?
            (iii) What do you mean by alpha Helix and beta pleated sheet?
          (iv) Write two differences between DNA and RNA
           (v) What is isoelectric point?


         Give chemical reaction when glucose reacts with 
              (i)Hydroxyl amine
              (ii)Red P +HI
             (iii)Acetic anhydride
             (iv)What is peptide bond?
              (v) Which vitamins deficiency caused anemia?
                                                M.Sc (inorganic chemistry & physical chemistry)
                                                M.Ed, ph.D,
                                                Cont; 971870414


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