HOW TO CRACK IAS EXAM - SOLID STRATEGY UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) conducts the CIVIL SERVICES EXAMINATION (CSE ), which is a nationwide exam for central services group A with success average rate of 0.1%–0.3%. This exam is conducted by UPSC in three phases – 1.Preliminary examination 2.Mains examination 3.Personality test (interview) The UPSC issue notification once a year . · For 2018 it will be release on 07-02-2018 with last date of filling the form will be 06-03-2018. .Exam date for prelims exam will be 03-06-2018.Fiiliong of foem is a online process. You can visit regularily commision website . The posts for which this exam is conducting are;- · Indian Administ...
GK Section of AIIMS MBBS 2018 · AIIMS Syllabus will cover 20 questions from General Knowledge section. Each question carries one mark and hence the candidates will have to attempt the AIIMS GK section for 20 marks. · . It will also carry a negative marking of 1/3 for incorrect answers. · Physics, Chemistry and biology are the primary sections of AIIMS MBBS . However, the candidates should not forget that 20 marks will have a huge role to play while deciding the rank. · But the AIIMS MBBS Syllabus has incorporated the GK section so that the candidates having a strong GK base get a competitive edge over the othe GK Syllabus o Although there is no definite syllabus for the AIIMS MBBS General Knowledge Section, yet a few common topics are marked out from the previous years’ A...
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