CLASS - XII
                           CHEMISTRY MODEL PAPER – (043)—2017
Time : Three hour                                                                       Max. Marks : 70
General  Instructions :-
   1.All questions are compulsory.
  2. Question No. 1-5 are very short answer questions and carry 1 mark each.

  3. Question No. 6-10 is short answer questions and carries 2 marks each.

  4. Question No. 11-22 is also short answer questions and carries 3 marks each.

 5. Question No. 23 is value added questions and carry 4 marks.

 6. Question No. 24-26 carry 5 marks

 7. Use log tables if necessary, use of calculators is not allowed.

Q1. What are antifertility drugs .give example?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   1
Q2. Why pine oil is added in froath flotation process?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             1
Q 3. Write the balanced equation showing disproportationation reaction of pyrophosphoric acid.                                                                                                                                                                                 1
Q4. Write IUPAC name of the following compound C6H5CH(CHO)COOH                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     1
Q5. A compound contains two types of atoms - X and Y. It crytallises in a cubic lattice with atom X at
    the corners of the unit cell and atomsY at the body centres. What is the simplest possible formula
    of thiscompound?                                                                                                                                   1
 Q6. What happen if we put R.B.C in 1% Nacl aqueous solution..                                                    2
Q 7. (i)Write the name of procesds which can be used for the purification of  galena.                 2
      (ii) Define what is leaching .
Q 8.Drow the structure of XeF 4  and  HclO3.                                                                                          2
Q9. Urea (molar mass = 60 g mol¯ 1) is present in a solution having osmotic pressure of 4.12atm. Calculate the weight of urea present in it if the room temperature is 270 c.
Q 10. Define first order rate constant and half life period.
Q11.(i)define molar conductivity. How it change with change in temperature..? . 
        (ii)write two advantage of fuel cell..                                                                                                  3
Q12. (i)Why sleeping pills contains tranquilizers..                                                                               
        (ii)Give chemical equation when glucose react with hydroxyl amine.
         (iii)What do you mean by property dextrorotatory nature of glucose.?                                                    3
Q13. (i) What is Glycosidic linkage.give example.?
        (ii) Define alpha helix and beta pleated structure of protein.                                                       3
Q14. (i)Describe the mechanism for the formation of ethoxy ethane from ethyl alcohol.  
        (ii)Give a mechanisn of reaction when propene react with hydrochloric acid?                                   3
Q15. Write short notes on the following name reaction :                                                                      3
    (i) Etard reaction
    (ii)Garbriel pthalamide reaction
    (iii)Finklestein reaction.
Q16. (a)Give chemical tests to distinguish between compounds in each of the following pairs:
    (i) Methyl alcohol and Ethyl alcohol
    (ii) Metanoic acid and Ethanoic acid
   (b)Aniline does not give friedal craft reaction.explain?                                                                     3
Q 17. Predict, giving reasons, the order  of the following compounds in
    (i) HCHO,CH3CHO.CH3COCH3,CH3COCH2CH3        (Nucleophilic addition reaction)
    (ii) CH3NH2 ,(CH3)2NH   ,(CH3)3N     and C2 H5 NH2, (C2 H5)2 NH  , (C2 H5 )3N(Basicity)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         3
     Account for the following:
(a) Aniline cant be prepared by garbriel pthalamide reaction
 (b) 20 Amine is more basic then 30 Amine.Explain?
Q 18. (i) At higher altitudes, people suffer from a disease called anoxia. In this disease, they become  
      weak and cannot think clearly.why.?
   (ii) Write the name of defeciency desease cause by vitamins C&B12.                                               
    (iii)Define what is electrodialysis.                                                                                                         3
Q19.(i) An element X with an atomic mass of 40g/mol has density of 3.01 g cm-3. If the edge length of
      its cubic unit cell is 400 pm,. Calculate the radius of an atom of  this element. Considerinf it FCC.
   (ii) Define what is feromagnectic substances.                                                                                    
Q20. Write names of monomer/s of the following polymers and give important uses..
      (a) Melamine formaldehyde polymers        (b) Bakelite                  (c) Nylon-2.Nylon-6                                                                                                                                                                                       3
Q21. (a) Give the IUPAC name of :
          [Co(cl)3 (H20)3]2+
    (b)Drow the splitting diagrame for octahedral complex and define what is CFSE.                                                                                                                                                                                             3
Q22. Explain the following observations:
    (a) What is role of NaCN in froath flotation process.?
    (b) Difference beetwen lyophilic and liophobic substances.
    (c) From the CO and C ,which is best reduction agent for general oxide at 500 k temperature?                                                                                                                                                                      3
Q23.  Rajesh went to textile shop with his mother to purchase dress material for his school uniform. Rajesh wanted pure cotton fabric which looked bright, while mother insisted on blended fabric with 67% terylene.
a) In your opinion, who is right?
b) What are the monomers of Terylene?
c) What are the values involved in the selection of the fabric?
Q 24. The decomposition of N2 O5 (g) is a first order reaction with a rate constant of 5 x 10-4 sec-1 at
     45o C. i.e.
             2N2 O5 (g)---à 4NO2 (g) + O2 (g).
    If initial concentration of N2 O5 is 0.25M, calculate its concentration after 2 min. Also calculate half
     life for decomposition of N2 O5 (g).
    (b) For an elementary reaction the rate of appearance of C at time ‘t’ is 1.3 x 10-4 mol -1 s-1
    Calculate at this time
   (i) Rate of the reaction. (ii) Rate of disappearance of A.                                                                    5
  (a) An organic compound ‘A’ with molecular formula C5 H8 O2 is reduced to n-pentane on treatment
  with Zn-Hg/ HCI. ‘A’ forms a dioxime with hydroxylamine and gives a positive lodoform test and Tollen’s test. Identify the compound A and deduce its structure.
  (b) Write the chemical equations for the following conversions:
 (i) Methyl amine into Ethyl amine
 (ii) Benzene into Benzyl alcohol.
 (iii) Acetone to tert-Butyle alcohol
 Q25. (a) Which of the following two compounds would react faster by SN1 
    1 – bromobutane             or      2 – bromobutane    and 2-Methyl 2- bromo butane.?
   (b) Allyl chloride is more reactive than n - propyl chloride towards nucleophilic substitution reaction.
     Explain why?
   (c) Haloalkanes react with KCN to give alkyl cyanide as main product while with AgCN give different
   (d) Transition metals have high enthalpies of atomization.
   (e) Among the lanthanoids, Ce(III) is easily oxidised to Ce(IV). isocyanide as main product. Give reason.   

(a) How activation energy affected by catalyst and temerature.?
(b) Account for the following:- Ferric hydroxide sol is positively charge sol.?
(b) Give chemical equation which occur
(a) K2 Cr2 O7 + H 2SO 4 + C2H5OH-----------à
            (b) XeF 4  + O2 F2   ----------à                                                            
            (c) 2H3 PO3  ----------^------à                                                                                                            5
Q 26. Give reasons for the following:
    (a) ClF3 is known but Fcl3 does not known. ?
    (b) Sulhur is solid but Oxygen is gas.?
    (c) ICl is more reactive than I2 ?
   (d)Drow the structure of N 205.
   (e)Only Xe from inert gases make compound with O and F atom. While other gases  does not.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  5
An element ‘A’ exists as a yellow solid in standard state. It forms a volatile hydride ‘B’ which is a foul smelling gas and is extensively used in qualitative analysis of salts. When treated with oxygen, ‘B’ forms an oxide ‘C’ which is a colourless, pungent smelling gas. This gas when passed through acidified KMnO4 solution, decolourises it. ‘C’ gets oxidized to another oxide ‘D’ in the presence of a heterogeneous catalyst. Identify A,B,C,D, and also give the chemical equation of reaction of ‘C’ with acidified KMnO4 solution and for conversion of ‘C’ to ‘D’.


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