Guess Paper – 2012
Class – XI
Subject –

                 Time allowed : 3hours                                                                                   Maximum marks : 70

 General instructions

1.      All question are compulsory.

2.      Marks for each question are indicated against it.

3.      Questions number 1 to 8 are very short answer questions and carry 1 mark each.

4.      Questions number 9 to 18 are short answer questions and carry 2 marks each.

5.      Questions number 19 to 27 are also short answer questions and 3 marks each.

6.      Questions number 28 to 30 are long answer questions and carry 5 marks each.

Q1. Calculate the molar mass of the HCl, H2SO4     ?  (Given H=1 ,Cl=35.5 , o=16 ,S=32)                                                        1

Q2. Calculate the number of protons neutrons and electron in 35Br 80?                                                       1

Q3. Define law of definite proportion. With example ?                                                                                1

Q4.Calculate the oxidation state of Cl in NaClO4?                                                                                         1

Q5. What would be the IUPAC name and symbol for the element with atomic number 120 ?                    1

Q6. Draw the lewis structure for NO3-  ?                                                                                                        1

Q7. Arrange solid, liquid and gas in order of energy and give reasons?                                                       1

Q8. Write van der waal equation?                                                                                                                 1

Q9.  Define isotopes and isobars? With example.                                                                                         2

Q10. Define Gay lussac law of gases volume and Avogadro law ?

Q11. In the following redox reaction identify the oxidizing agent and the reducing agent ?                       2

     H3PO2 (aq)  + 2HgCl2(aq) + 2H2O(aq)                         H3PO4(aq) +  2Hg (l)   +  4HCl(aq)

Q12. Consider the following species:                                                                                                             2                                                                                 

              N3- , O2- , F- , Mg2+  and  Al3+

(a)   What is common in them?

(b)   Arrange them in the order of increasing ionic radii?

Q13 Which type of intermolecular forces exist among the following molecules :-                                      2

1.  H2S molecules       2 .   H2O molecules      3 . Cl2 and CCl4 molecules      4 . SiH4 molecules

5 .   Helium atom       6 .   HCl molecules

Q14  What will be the minimum pressure required to compress 500 dm3 of air at 1 bar to 200 dm3 at 30 degree C .                                                                                                                                                            2

Q15. What do you understand by isoelectronic species? Name a species that will be isoelectronic with each of the following atom or ions.                                                                                                                                   2

i)   F-          ii)  Ar         iii)   Mg2+       iv )   Rb+

Q 16. Calculate the formal charge in each atom of O3  ?

Q 17Calculate the molarity of NaOH in the solution prepared by dissolving its 4gm in enough water to form 250 ml of the solution ?

Q 18 Calculate the energy of one mole of photons of radiation whose frequency is  5 x1014 Hz?

Q 19What are the frequency and wavelength of a photon emitted during a transition from n=5 state to the  n= 2 state in hydrogen atom ?

Q 20 Define the following

        i.            Aufbau Principle

      ii.            Pauli exclusion Principle

    iii.            Hund rule of maximum multiplicity

Q 21 Write the electronic configuration of the following ions:   a)  H-      b)   Na+      c)   O2-       d)   F-

i)  What are the atomic number of elements whose outermost electron are represent by                                 a) 3S1                   b)2P3              c)  3P5

       ii) Which atom are indicated by the following configuration ?

a)      [ He]2S1      b)   [Ne]3S2 3P3      c)    [ Ar]4S2 3d1

Q 22   Define covalent and ionic bond with one example and strength of each?

Q 23  What is VSEPR theory ? How does it explain the bond angles observed in CH4 , NH3 and H2O molecule?

Q 24 On the basis of hybridization explain the shape of Iodine heptafluroide and Sulphar tetrafluoride?

Q 25What is the ideal gas equation ? How can it be derived ? Also express it in term of density of the gas ?


Define electron gain enthalpy . Describe the factors which determine the magnitude and sign of electron gain enthalpy . What are the general treands of variation of electron gain enthalpy in group and period in periodic table?

Q 26.    2Na    +    2H2O                            2NaOH     +        H2

Identify and explain the

a)       Oxidation             b)Reduction 

b)        Oxidizing agent    d)Reducing agent

Q 27  Draw the labeled diagram for deniell cell?


 Write the formula for the following compounds

 a) Mercury (II) chloride

b) Nickel (II) Sulphate

c) Tin (IV) oxide

d)  Thallium (I) sulphate

e) Iron (III) sulphate

f) Chromium (III) oxide

Q 28 What is the electrochemical cell?  Briefly discuss its construction and working.  How is it represented? Discuss briefly the function of salt bridge in an electrochemical cell?

Q 29  i) A compound contain 4.07% hydrogen 24.27% carban and 71.65% chloride. Its molar mass is 98.96g. What are its empirical and molecular formulas?

         ii) 50Kg of N2 and 10 Kg of H2 are mixed to produce NH3(g). Calculate the NH3 formed .  Identify the limiting reagent in the production of NH3 in the situation?

Q 30  How is the following properties change in group and period . And how ?

a) Electronegativity

b) Ionisation enthalpy

c)  Atomic radius

d) Put > or <  sign on the base of atomic radii

i)      Na ………..  Cl                                       ii) Al …………Al3+


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