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ORGANIC – CHEMISTRY (SAMPLE QUESTION) SET-1                                                                                                    MM  -30 Q1-Explain of the following- (2x3) a-Why only phenol show acidic nature but other alcohol not? b-Why aniline have more Pka value then methyl amine? c-Why aniline does not give friedal craft reaction? Q2-write short notes on the following reaction—(2x4) a-Garbriel pthalamide reaction. b -Halloform recation. c-carbylam...
Clemmensen Reduction The Clemmensen Reduction allows the deoxygenation of aldehydes or ketones, to produce the corresponding hydrocarbon. The substrate must be stable to strong acid. The Clemmensen Reduction is complementary to the  Wolff-Kishner Reduction , which is run under strongly basic conditions. Acid-labile molecules should be reduced by the Wolff-Kishner protocol. Mechanism of the Clemmensen Reduction The reduction takes place at the surface of the zinc catalyst. In this reaction, alcohols are not postulated as intermediates, because subjection of the corresponding alcohols to these same reaction conditions does not lead to alkanes. The following proposal employs the intermediacy of zinc carbenoids to rationalize the mechanism of the Clemmensen Reduction:


ORGANIC – CHEMISTRY (SAMPLE QUESTION) SET-1                                                                                                    MM  -30 Q1-Explain of the following- (2x3) a-Why only phenol show acidic nature but other alcohol not? b-Why aniline have more Pka value then methyl amine? c-Why aniline does not give friedal craft reaction? Q2-write short notes on the following reaction—(2x4) a-Garbriel pthalamide reaction. b -Halloform recation. c-carbyla...

name reaction-clemenson reaction

Clemmensen Reduction The Clemmensen Reduction allows the deoxygenation of aldehydes or ketones, to produce the corresponding hydrocarbon. The substrate must be stable to strong acid. The Clemmensen Reduction is complementary to the  Wolff-Kishner Reduction , which is run under strongly basic conditions. Acid-labile molecules should be reduced by the Wolff-Kishner protocol. Mechanism of the Clemmensen Reduction The reduction takes place at the surface of the zinc catalyst. In this reaction, alcohols are not postulated as intermediates, because subjection of the corresponding alcohols to these same reaction conditions does not lead to alkanes. The following proposal employs the intermediacy of zinc carbenoids to rationalize the mechanism of the Clemmensen Reduction:
Chemically, polythene is a polymer of ethylene of high molecular weight. It is a thermoplastic material which when heated gets softened due to weakening of intermolecular forces and melts. On cooling it solidifies again. Most of the polythene are brightly coloured. Toxic chemicals or binding agents like lead and cadmium are added to the polythene. Some times, colour may get pinched off from it which affects the food stuff kept in it and causes toxic effects. Red and Yellow coloured polythene are especially harmful. The consumption pattern of polythene shows that while 85% of the common people use upto 15 polythene bags per week, the use is upto 300 polythene bags per week in 50% of the shopkeepers and more than 500 polythene bags per week in about 40% of the shopkeepers. Maximum use of polythene is as multipurpose carry-bag for carrying fruit and vegetables, grocery item etc. while 18% of the population use it for packaging purpose. According to this survey although 80% of the populat...
Guess Paper – 2012 Class – XI Subject – CHEMISTRY                   Time allowed : 3hours                                                                                    Maximum marks : 70   General instructions 1.       All question are compulsory. 2.       Marks for each question are indicated against it. 3.       Questions number 1 to 8 are very short answer questions and carry 1 mark each. 4. ...

csir model paper

CHEMICAL SCIENCES This Test Booklet will contain 145 (20 Part `A‟+50 Part `B+75 Part „C‟) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). Candidates will be required to answer 15 in part „A‟, 35 in Part „B‟ and 25 questions in Parts C respectively ( No. of question to attempt may vary from exam to exam). In case any candidate answers more than 15, 35 and 25 questions in Parts A, B and C respectively only first 15, 35 and 25 questions in Parts A, B and C respectively will be evaluated. Questions in Parts `A‟ and „B‟ carry two marks each and Part `C‟ questions carry four marks each. There will be negative marking @25% for each wrong answer. Below each question, four alternatives or responses are given. Only one of these alternatives is the „CORRECT‟ answer to the question. MODEL QUESTION PAPER PART A May be viewed under heading "General Science" PART B 21 . [CoCl 4 ] 2- shows a deep blue colour because of 1. metal to ligand charge transfer transition 2. ligand to...